Political Empowerment of Women Councilors: A Myth or Reality in Multan


  • Muhammad Javed Akhtar
  • Shahla Gull


Empowerment, Patriarch, Political Participation, Paradigmatic Shift


The role of Pakistani women in politics can best be explained in the working of democratic ideas, principles and institutions which remained under test of different regimes. The disruptive political process marked Pakistan as a case of immature polity in which political actions are not easily marked as different from the socio-religious ones. In this context women are further relegated behind from the male partner in the competitive socio-political set-up. They are given the responsibility of social and political affairs by the patriarch not in equal terms. Further, they have been checked in their social mobility by the customary practices and religious norms. Their private affairs are even under these considerations, and they are not able to define their social and political role. This study is focusing upon the phenomenon of women councilors’ empowerment after the increase of their due share at local councils in 2001. Their level of participation in politics has given the sense of sharing to alter the norm that politics is male domain. They remained effective in altering the paradigm of male dominance in town council town level politics.




How to Cite

Akhtar, M. J. ., & Gull, S. . (2021). Political Empowerment of Women Councilors: A Myth or Reality in Multan. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 41(4), 915-930. Retrieved from http://pjss.bzu.edu.pk/index.php/pjss/article/view/1044