Life Satisfaction: A Study of Secondary School Teachers in Lahore


  • Rizwan Ahmad Assistant Professor, Division of Education, University of Education Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Shamim Ullah Assistant Professor, Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan
  • Sumaira Majeed Assistant Professor (Visiting), Department of Education, University of Education Lahore, Pakistan



Psychological Reactance, Depression, Locus of Control, Religiosity, Trait Anger, Self Esteem


Purpose: Purpose of this research was to explore the job satisfaction in secondary school teachers. It also explored the difference in job satisfaction on the basis of demographic variables.

Design/Methodology/Approach: Philosophical roots of quantitative approach lie in the positivism. To explore the phenomena, the researchers used a quantitative technique. Variables were assessed using a cross-sectional survey that included a numerical description of the variables. This study was delimited to the secondary school teachers of the Government schools of Lahore. All government high schools of Lahore district were taken as the population of the Research. 975 SSTs participated in the research study that was chosen using random sampling technique. Instrument of the study was comprised of data sheet to collect information regarding demographic characteristics of the SSTs and another section that measured Satisfaction with life scale (LSS). All the tools were adapted with prior permission. Pilot testing proved the instrument's validity and reliability. On a five-point Likert type rating scale, SSTs' perception of life satisfaction is near the scale point agree, which is above the scale median.

Findings: Teachers There found to be satisfied with their jobs. There was a significant difference in life satisfaction depending on qualification, but not on age, marital status, or gender.

Implications/Originality/Value: It is crucial to have great educators and great instructors can be delivered just on the off chance that we have excellent arrangement of teacher training and committed proficient and fulfilled educator teachers. Other than this, there are the conspicuous issues in the organizations that work together to influence their lives and also employer employee linkages similar to job satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Ahmad, R., Ullah, S., & Majeed, S. (2023). Life Satisfaction: A Study of Secondary School Teachers in Lahore. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 43(3), 475-485.