The Way towards a Sustainable and Green University: A Case Study of the Islamia University Bahawalpur (IUB), Pakistan
Sustainable University, Resource Conservation, Green Infrastructure, Environmental ManagementAbstract
For decades, sustainability has been a crucial issue for students, academics, and policymakers. Universities are pivotal in creating a sustainable society by (a) minimizing the negative environmental impact of their activities on society and the economy and (b) encouraging sustainable practices in curricula and research programs. Specifically, a "green university" implements sustainable practices across every aspect of its everyday actions. Yet, sustainability research has been focusing on only specific sustainability issues within the higher education sector and has yet to consider the simultaneous implementation of green initiatives. This study thus bridged that gap by conducting a case study of the green initiatives concurrently implemented by the IUB. The University utilized a comprehensive management framework that ensures sustainability practices in all university activities. IUB has developed specific strategies and well-structured plans for adopting sustainable practices. The most important initiatives at the campus include green infrastructure, plantation, solar energy, paper and plastic use reduction, and awareness campaigns about energy, water conservation, and sustainable mobility. Nevertheless, coordination among all these activities must be further strengthened despite extensive discussions on sustainability issues in teaching and research activities.
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