Redefining Prosperity: Degrowth Economics in the Pakistani Context


  • Aneel Salman Chair, Economics Security, Islamabad Policy Research Institute, Pakistan
  • Sheraz Ahmad Choudhary Associate Researcher, Islamabad Policy Research Institute, Pakistan
  • Basit Ali Associate Researcher, Islamabad Policy Research Institute, Pakistan



Degrowth, Sustainable Development Goals, Economic Growth, Social and Environmental, Ecological, Human Wellbeing


Purpose: This study explores the feasibility and implications of a degrowth strategy for Pakistan's socio-economic and environmental dynamics. In today's era, where human well-being and environmental conservation are paramount, Pakistan's susceptibility to environmental and social perils necessitates a radical shift in strategy. This paper highlights the role of a degrowth framework as a persistent, systemic, long-term expansion driver; and aimed to assess the impact of degrowth on social, environmental, and economic indicators in the context of Pakistan.

Design/Methodology/Approach: To discern the implications of degrowth for Pakistan, this study incorporates variables spanning social, economic, ecological, and environmental dimensions, underpinning the hypothesis of a degrowth scenario. 


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How to Cite

Salman, A. ., Choudhary, S. A., & Ali , B. . (2023). Redefining Prosperity: Degrowth Economics in the Pakistani Context. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 43(4), 555-568.