A Novel Transformation in the Party Politics of Pakistan: An Analysis of Shift in the Political Culture Post 2013 Elections
Political Culture, Dynastic Politics, Corruption, Elections, Political PartiesAbstract
Purpose: The aim of this research is to analyze the transformation in the political culture of Pakistan post 2013 elections.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The work of Gabriel Almond and Sydny Verba has been used in this study. Qualitative method was used in this study to analyze the transformation in the Political culture of Pakistan.
Findings: The results revealed that this decade will be remembered as a climacteric in the political history of Pakistan because it saw a significant drop in dynastic politics and an increase in the political clout of the middle class. The study also finds that Political parties are abstract forces that mold public opinions and values; hence, it makes sense to delve deeply into competing political subcultures with "politics" at the center of such analyses.
Implications/Originality/Value: The results of the study's analysis show that Pakistan's dominant system of dynasty politics encountered a problem when a new party emerged as the main rival for the premiership.
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