The Relationship between School Leadership Development Program and Skills Development of Secondary School Heads in District Sargodha


  • Asma Batool M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Advanced Studies in Education IER, University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Shafi Malik PhD Scholar, Department of Educational Sciences, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Sardar Fatima PhD Scholar, Department of Advanced Studies in Education IER, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakista
  • Sadia Akhtar Nabeel Sheikh Teacher, Unique Group of Institutions, Superior Gardens, Opp. Bahria Town, Sector-D, Lahore, Pakistan



School Leadership, Development Program, Skills Development, School Heads


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between the school leadership development program and skills development of the secondary school heads in District Sargodha. The overall professional management skills may be enhanced through the school leadership development program. It is also helpful to enhance the knowledge, skills, and hands-on experiences of heads at the institutional level to improve organizational performance.

Design/Methodology/Approach: A correlational research design was adopted for the study A Quantitative research method based on a survey was used for collecting data and a self-developed questionnaire consisting of 50 close-ended items on a 5-point Likert scale. The instrument's reliability was measured at 0.95. The population included all head teachers of government secondary schools in District Sargodha. Using convenience sampling technique 300 head teachers were selected from seven tehsils within the district. Data analysis was conducted using Pearson r and independent t-tests and descriptive statistics.

Findings: The analysis revealed a significantly positive large correlation between the variables, with R-values of .849 and .892. It is concluded that the School Leadership Development Program significantly affects the skill development of the secondary school heads. A significant strong positive large correlation was identified between the leadership development program and the skill development of the school head teachers.

Implications/Originality/Value: The present study has a great effect on the skills development of secondary school heads.


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How to Cite

Batool, A., Malik, M. S., Fatima, S., & Sheikh, S. A. N. (2024). The Relationship between School Leadership Development Program and Skills Development of Secondary School Heads in District Sargodha. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 44(4), 593-600.