The Interplay of Resilience, Emotional Intelligence, and Motivation in Reducing Occupational Burnout: Insights from the Banking Sector in Pakistan
Resilience , Emotional, Intelligence, Occupational, Burnout, MisbehaviorAbstract
Purpose: The primary objective of this study is to examine the impact of resilience, emotional intelligence (EI), and motivation on occupational burnout (OB) within the banking sector in Pakistan. Additionally, the study investigates the role of work misbehavior (WM) and occupational burnout as mediators in the relationship between resilience, EI, motivation, and OB.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Data for the study was collected through questionnaires distributed among banking employees, targeting a total sample size of 480 participants. The analysis was conducted in two phases: first tests using SPSS and structural tests using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The study developed ten hypotheses to test the relationships between the variables.
Findings: The study revealed that nine out of the ten hypotheses were supported. Specifically, hypotheses H1 to H3, which proposed significant relationships between resilience, EI, motivation, and OB, were supported. Hypotheses H4 to H6, which suggested that resilience, EI, and motivation negatively influence WM, were also endorsed except for H5. The results indicated that EI is not directly related to WM but is mediated by OB.
Implications/Originality/Value: The study's implications highlight the importance of resilience, EI, and motivation in reducing occupational burnout and work misbehavior in the banking sector. Understanding these relationships can help managers and HR professionals design interventions and training programs to enhance these attributes among employees, ultimately reducing OB and WM.
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